Demystifying Gitlab Push: Seeing 75 Additions and 30 Deletions while Creating a Merge Request
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Demystifying Gitlab Push: Seeing 75 Additions and 30 Deletions while Creating a Merge Request

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Are you tired of being perplexed by the mysterious output of Gitlab push commands? Do you find yourself wondering what exactly is happening behind the scenes when you see a message like “75 additions, 30 deletions” after creating a merge request? Fear not, dear developer, for today we’re going to dive into the world of Gitlab push and explore the secrets behind this enigmatic message.

What is Gitlab Push?

Gitlab push is a command used to upload local changes to a remote Git repository. It’s an essential part of the Git workflow, allowing developers to share their work with others and collaborate on projects. When you run `git push`, Gitlab receives your local changes and updates the remote repository accordingly.

The Anatomy of a Gitlab Push Command

git push <remote-name> <branch-name>

The basic syntax of a Gitlab push command consists of three parts:

  • <remote-name>: The name of the remote repository, often set to “origin” by default.
  • <branch-name>: The name of the branch you want to push changes to.

What do “75 Additions and 30 Deletions” Mean?

When you create a merge request, Gitlab analyzes the changes between your local branch and the target branch. The “75 additions, 30 deletions” message is a summary of these changes.

Additions: The New Kid on the Block

An “addition” refers to a new line of code or a new file that has been added to your repository. When you see “75 additions”, it means that 75 new lines of code or 75 new files have been introduced to your repository.

  1. Imagine adding a new feature to your project, which requires 50 new lines of code. This would count as 50 additions.
  2. Creating a new file, such as a README or a configuration file, would also count as 1 addition.

Deletions: The Goodbye Party

A “deletion” refers to a line of code or a file that has been removed from your repository. When you see “30 deletions”, it means that 30 lines of code or 30 files have been removed from your repository.

  1. Delete a useless function that had 10 lines of code? That’s 10 deletions.
  2. Removing an entire directory that contained 20 files? That’s 20 deletions.

Why do I See This Message?

Gitlab displays this message to give you a quick overview of the changes you’re about to introduce to the target branch. It’s a way to ensure that you’re aware of the impact your changes will have on the repository.

Think of it as a courtesy notice that says, “Hey, you’re about to make some significant changes to the codebase. Are you sure you want to proceed?”

How to Analyze the Changes

When you see the “75 additions, 30 deletions” message, you can take a closer look at the changes by using the following Git commands:

git diff --stat

This command will display a detailed breakdown of the changes, including the number of additions and deletions, modified files, and more.

git diff

This command will show you the actual changes, line by line, with additions marked with a “+” and deletions marked with a “-“.

Best Practices for Managing Changes

Now that you know what the “75 additions, 30 deletions” message means, it’s essential to follow best practices for managing changes in your repository:

Best Practice Description
Use descriptive commit messages Write clear, concise commit messages that explain the purpose of the changes.
Use.feature branches Create feature branches to isolate changes and make it easier to review and merge them.
Code review Have multiple developers review changes before merging them to ensure quality and consistency.
Test thoroughly Thoroughly test changes before pushing them to ensure they don’t break existing functionality.


In conclusion, the “75 additions, 30 deletions” message is not a mysterious curse, but rather a useful indicator of the changes you’re about to introduce to your repository. By understanding what this message means and following best practices for managing changes, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Gitlab master.

So the next time you see this message, don’t be alarmed. Instead, take a deep breath, analyze the changes, and confidently create that merge request.

Frequently Asked Question

Gitlab push sees a surprising number of changes? Find out what’s behind those additions and deletions!

Q: What do the numbers “75 additions and 30 deletions” mean in the Gitlab merge request?

These numbers indicate the number of lines changed in your code. In this case, 75 additions mean 75 new lines of code were added, and 30 deletions mean 30 lines of code were removed or modified. This gives you an idea of the extent of the changes made in the code.

Q: Why are there so many additions and deletions when I only made a small change?

This might occur when you’ve reformatted code, renamed variables, or updated dependencies. Although the functional changes are small, the reformatted code can lead to a large number of additions and deletions. Additionally, if you’ve merged changes from another branch, those changes will also be reflected in the additions and deletions count.

Q: Are these numbers affected by whitespace changes?

Yes, whitespace changes can impact the addition and deletion counts. If you’ve reformatted code, added or removed blank lines, or changed indentation, these changes will be reflected in the numbers. To ignore whitespace changes, you can use the `–ignore-all-space` or `–ignore-space-at-eol` options when running `git diff`.

Q: Can I see a more detailed breakdown of the changes?

Yes, you can! In Gitlab, click on the “Changes” tab in the merge request, and then click on the “View file” button next to each file. This will show you a line-by-line diff of the changes made. You can also use `git diff` or `gitk` commands in your terminal to see a more detailed breakdown of the changes.

Q: Are these numbers important when reviewing a merge request?

Yes, they can be! The addition and deletion counts can give you an idea of the scope of the changes and help you focus on the most critical parts of the code. However, it’s essential to review the changes in context, considering the functionality, performance, and maintainability of the code, rather than just relying on the numbers.