Reset a Nested Property in Ref Didn’t Update v-model: The Ultimate Guide
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Reset a Nested Property in Ref Didn’t Update v-model: The Ultimate Guide

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Are you tired of struggling with Vue.js’s v-model and ref not updating when trying to reset a nested property? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Vue.js and explore the reasons behind this frustrating issue. More importantly, we’ll provide you with step-by-step solutions and explanations to fix this problem once and for all.

What’s the Problem?

When working with Vue.js, you might encounter a situation where you need to reset a nested property in a ref object. Sounds simple, right? But, what happens when you try to reset the nested property, and v-model doesn’t update accordingly? It’s as if the changes are lost in thin air!

This issue can be attributed to Vue.js’s reactivity system, which can be both a blessing and a curse. In this case, it’s a curse that we need to tame. So, let’s explore the reasons behind this problem and how to fix it.

Why v-model Doesn’t Update

The main reason v-model doesn’t update when resetting a nested property in a ref object is due to the way Vue.js handles reactivity. When you create a ref object, Vue.js doesn’t recursively observe the properties within the object. This means that when you update a nested property, Vue.js doesn’t automatically detect the change.

To illustrate this, let’s consider an example:

    <input v-model=" nestedProperty_refs.innerProp" />

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      nestedProperty_refs: {
        innerProp: 'initial value'

In this example, we have a ref object `nestedProperty_refs` with a nested property `innerProp`. We’re using v-model to bind the input field to `innerProp`. Now, let’s say we want to reset `innerProp` to its initial value:

this.nestedProperty_refs.innerProp = 'initial value';

At this point, you might expect v-model to update the input field with the new value, but it won’t. This is because Vue.js doesn’t detect the change to the nested property.


Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some solutions to fix the issue:

Solution 1: Using Vue.set()

The first solution is to use Vue’s `set()` method, which is specifically designed for adding reactive properties to an existing object:

import Vue from 'vue';

// ...

Vue.set(this.nestedProperty_refs, 'innerProp', 'new value');

By using `Vue.set()`, we’re telling Vue.js to explicitly update the `innerProp` property and make it reactive. This will trigger the v-model update, and the input field will reflect the new value.

Solution 2: Replacing the Ref Object

Another solution is to replace the entire ref object with a new one that contains the updated nested property:

this.nestedProperty_refs = { ...this.nestedProperty_refs, innerProp: 'new value' };

By creating a new ref object and assigning it to the `nestedProperty_refs` property, we’re effectively resetting the entire object and making Vue.js re-evaluate the v-model binding.

Solution 3: Using a Computed Property

A more elegant solution is to use a computed property to dynamically compute the nested property:

    <input v-model="computedInnerProp" />

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      nestedProperty_refs: {
        innerProp: 'initial value'
  computed: {
    computedInnerProp: {
      get() {
        return this.nestedProperty_refs.innerProp;
      set(value) {
        this.nestedProperty_refs.innerProp = value;

In this example, we’ve created a computed property `computedInnerProp` that dynamically computes the value of `innerProp`. When the computed property is updated, Vue.js will automatically detect the change and update the v-model accordingly.

Best Practices

To avoid running into this issue in the future, follow these best practices:

  • Avoid mutating ref objects directly: Instead, use Vue.set() or computed properties to update nested properties.
  • Use computed properties for complex logic: Computed properties can help simplify your code and make it more maintainable.
  • Use the Vue Devtools: The Vue Devtools can help you debug and identify reactivity issues in your application.


Resetting a nested property in a ref object and updating v-model can be a challenge, but with the right techniques, you can overcome this hurdle. Remember to use Vue.set(), replace the ref object, or employ computed properties to ensure Vue.js detects the changes and updates the v-model accordingly.

By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to handle reactivity issues in your Vue.js applications. Happy coding!

Solution Explanation
Vue.set() Use Vue.set() to explicitly update the nested property and make it reactive.
Replace Ref Object Replace the entire ref object with a new one that contains the updated nested property.
Computed Property Use a computed property to dynamically compute the nested property and update v-model.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about resetting nested properties in refs and v-model updates!

Why doesn’t resetting a nested property in a ref update v-model?

This is because when you update a nested property in a ref, Vue only updates the ref itself, not the underlying v-model. To fix this, you need to explicitly call `$forceUpdate()` or use the `sync` modifier on your v-model to force an update.

How do I reset a nested property in a ref?

You can reset a nested property in a ref by using the `Object.assign()` method or by spreading the new values into the ref. For example: `this.myRef = { …this.myRef, nestedProperty: { newValues } };`.

What’s the difference between a ref and a v-model?

A ref is a direct reference to a DOM element or a JavaScript object, while a v-model is a two-way binding between a form input element and a JavaScript variable. Refs are used for imperative programming, while v-models are used for declarative programming.

Why do I need to use `$forceUpdate()` to update a v-model?

You need to use `$forceUpdate()` when you update a ref or a nested property in a ref, because Vue’s reactivity system only updates the DOM when the underlying data changes. By calling `$forceUpdate()`, you’re telling Vue to re-render the component and update the v-model.

Can I use `Object.assign()` to update a v-model?

No, you should not use `Object.assign()` to update a v-model. Instead, use the `sync` modifier on your v-model or call `$forceUpdate()` to ensure that the v-model is updated correctly.

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